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Wales’ largest free outdoor arts festival ‘Big Splash’ returns this Summer!

Get ready for Wales’ largest free outdoor arts festival, returning to Newport on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th July 2025!

The Riverfront presents 'Big Splash', an annual festival, drawing thousands to the city, featuring live music, street theatre, dance performances, workshops, craft and activities for all the family.

All free of charge, the two-day event is the perfect family experience, recommended for all ages. Described as “a slice of Covent Garden in Newport”, the streets of Newport will turn into a giant outdoor stage. Save the date and join us at this year’s festival.

Volunteering opportunities coming soon!
To get involved in Big Splash 2025, please contact artsdevelopment@newportlive.co.uk.

welsh LANGUAGE street theatre APPLICATION

The Riverfront Theatre & Arts Centre and Big Splash are looking to support a brand-new Welsh Language, Outdoor Arts street theatre piece for the 2025 edition of Big Splash Festival this summer.

The organisation has £3000 for an artist or company to develop a piece of family friendly outdoor theatre that can be either a static, roaming (or a bit of both) presentation. This year’s festival is taking place on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th July and the successful artists must be A) Available to perform up to 3 times both days and B) Create and perform the work within the allocated fee.

The piece should celebrate Welsh language, be no longer than 20 minutes in length and must be suitable for a family audience. As well as the £3000 all inclusive fee, the Riverfront can support with space-in-kind to develop the piece.

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How to Apply?
The opportunity is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, speaks Welsh or is keen to build their confidence & use Welsh in their work and is an artist or freelance worker in the creative sector, with experience of or an ambition to work within the outdoor arts sector.

Please send us a short description of yourself or company, your creative idea and why you believe this work would be successful in an outdoor arts festival environment.

Closing date Sunday 30th March. Please email your application to artsdevelopment@newportlive.co.uk


A huge thank you to our funders, sponsors and partners for helping make Big Splash possible.

Want to get in on the action and become a sponsor for Big Splash? Take a look at our sponsorship deck here!

Previous Partner include:

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