Mix of cyclists on an indoor cycling track

Newport Live in partnership with Newport City Council, Welsh Cycling and British Cycling are working together to host the Ukrainian Track Cycling National Championships 2022 at the Geraint Thomas National Velodrome of Wales on the 26 and 27 of November.  

Ukraine’s elite riders will compete over two days in a series of thrilling races and events for the coveted Championship titles. The decision to hold the event in Newport is to allow elite track riders to have their National Championships in a safe place due to the war in Ukraine. Members of the public are invited to attend the National Championships to cheer on and show their support for the riders on track who are continuing with the sport they love, despite all adversity. Tickets can be purchased from Newport Live website and are priced at £5 per adult with free admission for under 18’s. 

The National Championships has been brought to Wales by Mauro Pizzol, Cycling Specialist and Director of Excel Sports Management, Joseph Alberti a Cycling Team Manager and Andriy Hrivko, a former professional cyclist and President of the Ukrainian Cycling Federation. The three cycling enthusiasts agreed that by combining their cycling know-how they could create some sort of sporting normality for their fellow riders by helping them compete in their National Championships away from the on-going conflict. A fundraising page on GoFundMe has been set-up to cover the travel costs of the riders, if you would like to donate to their cause visit www.gofundme.com/f/ukrainian-cycling-national-championships.  

The cycling team at Newport Live was contacted by Mr Pizzol and Mr Alberti to ask for help to bring the National Championships to Wales and use the renowned cycling facilities at the Geraint Thomas National Velodrome of Wales. Newport Live together with their partner Newport City Council have agreed to cover the cost of the track time whilst Welsh Cycling and British Cycling agreed to provide commissionaires to help run the event to championship standards. 

Councillor Jane Mudd, Leader of Newport City Council, said: “I am pleased that we are able to offer some support for this event and the riders who are sadly unable to compete in their own country. As well as enjoying the wonderful Velodrome, I hope all those involved with the event enjoy their stay in the city and I’m sure they will be given a very warm welcome.” 

Steve Ward, Chief Executive Officer of Newport Live said: “We’re proud that The Geraint Thomas National Velodrome has been chosen to host the Ukrainian National Championships 2022. Our team are committed to working with the Ukrainian Cycling Team to help create this fantastic sporting event, although in tragic and unsettling times for these Ukrainian riders. We encourage people to come along, show their support, enjoy this exciting event, even if they’ve never experienced the thrill of track cycling before.” 

The Geraint Thomas National Velodrome of Wales is home to a 250-metre oval shaped track with 42-degree banking at either end. It has hosted several high-profile cycling events over the years. Most recently it has hosted the 2022 British National Track Championships and the British National Youth & Junior Track Championships 2022 as well as training camps for the Welsh & Australian teams ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games. The Geraint Thomas National Velodrome of Wales will also play host to the up-coming 2023 British National Track Championships in January. 

Newport Live is a non-profit distribution organisation and registered charity, which means the money they make is wholly reinvested into the services and facilities they offer, so all Newport Live customers are supporting the local community through the delivery of these projects and activities. 

Tickets for the Ukrainian Track Cycling National Championships 2022 are just £5 per adult and under 16’s go FREE. Children aged 9 to 15 will receive a Golden Ticket for a Free Youth Track Taster Session or Youth Track Skills 9 Years+ session. Tickets can be purchased online at newportlive.co.uk