The “Learn to Swim” gala will take place on Saturday 29 March from 1.15pm at the Regional Pool & Tennis Centre at Newport International Sports Village.

It is the first one to be held by Newport Live – and will be open to all children in the Learn to Swim programme  ,who are learning at Academy 5+ level and above from the age of just six.

“We’ve wanted to launch a children’s swim gala for a while” explained Acquatics Co-ordinator , Owain Baulch “and as our provision has grown, it seemed like the perfect time to do it this year – we hope it will be one of many future galas, too!”

The gala will be made up of 5 races, which will each cost just £1 to enter –  and by entering just one paid race, each entrant will be eligible to enter a kick race for free, too!

The heats will be divided up by ability and number of entrants, so it’s a great chance for all of Newport Live’s aspiring swimmers to beat the clock, swim as fast as they can whilst experiencing the fun of a swim gala.

“Our swimming lessons and intensive swimming lessons during the holidays are really popular ” explained Andrea Ovey, Director of Business Development at Newport Live. “ It shows how much interest and enthusiasm there is for swimming here in Newport. With our first swimming gala for children in our Learn To Swim we aim to foster this passion even further, encouraging our young swimmers to enhance their skills and develop a lifelong love for the sport.”

Booking for the gala is over the phone on 01633 656757 or through our reception teams at all sites and all spaces must be booked by Thursday 27 March 2025.

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