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 The Riverfront Theatre and Arts Centre will be hosting a special community event to mark St David’s Day.

‘More Than Dragons and Daffs’ will be a celebration of Wales, Welsh culture, and being Welsh in Newport, and showcase that Wales is more than just daffodils and dragons.

The free event, from 11am-5pm on Saturday 1 March will feature a range of musical performances and workshops, including:

• Musical performances from Ify Iwobi, Operasonic and the Newport Borough Brass Band
• Family craft workshops from Nathan Sheen and Lucilla Jones
• A musical workshop from Gwent Music
• Performances from Kitsch n Sync Collective

Race Council Cymru will also be at the event, launching the theme for this year’s Black History Wales 365, which is ‘Black History is Welsh History.’

There will also be plenty of stalls making and selling Welsh themed goods, and a special appearance from the legend that is Mistar Urdd.

As part of this year’s event, pupils in Newport schools have been invited to enter three creative competitions around the theme of ‘being Welsh in Newport’.

The competition categories are poetry, creative writing, and art, and the best entries from each category will be on display at the event.

No booking required, just turn up on the day and enjoy!

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