We've all been there - life gets busy and before you know it, your fitness routine has taken a backseat. Whether work is getting busy, or the kids are keeping you on your toes during the Summer Holidays, getting back into the swing of things can feel a bit daunting. But don't worry, you are not alone! It's never too late to jump back into fitness. Here are some practical tips to help you ease back into your fitness routine, no matter how long it's been.  

Start Small and Build Gradually

Don't jump into an intense gym session straight away, the key is to ease yourself back into it. You could even start by popping in for a cuppa at one of the centres, just to get used to the routine of coming back and forth. Remember every little step counts, start small by jumping on the treadmills for a brisk 10-minute walk, or book a lane swimming session. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Consistency is what really makes the difference, so take it at your own pace and celebrate every bit of progress along the way. 

Set Realistic Goals

Set yourself some realistic and achievable goals to keep yourself motivated. Rather than aiming to have a six-pack in six weeks, focus on attending the gym three times a week, or starting a new fitness class. These mini goals will keep you on track and provide a sense of accomplishment. Don't forget to treat yourself when you hit these goals, whether it’s a Frappe after your workout or a new pair of trainers, give yourself something to look forward to. When you're feeling discouraged that progress seems slow, stay positive and celebrate how far you've come. Remind yourself the benefits of regular exercise, improved mood, better sleep, increased energy.  

Schedule Your Workouts

One of the best ways to stick to a fitness routine is to schedule your workouts, just like you would with any other important appointment. Choose days and times that work best for you. Whether it's early morning, after work or during your lunch break. Make it a non-negotiable part of your day. 

Revisit Your Workout Routine

Take some time to refresh your workout routine. What worked for you before might not be as appealing as it once was. Consider adding something new, like a new class such as Pilates or HIIT or add a swim into your weekly routine. A change in routine can reignite your interest and make getting back into fitness exciting.

Don't worry if you're not sure where to start, our instructors are here to help. They can offer one-to-one support, create a personalised workout plan that suits your goals and needs and even give you a health check to make sure you're on the right track. It's all about finding what works best for you, and having that extra bit of support can make a big difference.

Prepare Your Gym Kit

This can make a big difference to your motivation levels. Lay out your workout clothes the night before, or keep a packed gym-bag in the office or car. This small step can help on days when motivation is low. Sometimes even treating yourself to some new gym clothes can give you that extra boost of motivation to get back into the swing of things. 

Listen To Your Body

As you get back into your routine, it's important that you listen to your body. If you're experiencing pain, or feeling overly tired, take it as a sign to slow down and rest. Pushing too hard to quickly can lead to injury. Remember, rest days are just as important as workout days, so be kind to yourself and progress at a pace that feels right for you. 

Bring a Friend

Getting back into a fitness routine is always more fun with a friend by your side. Find a workout buddy to join you, whether it's a colleague, a neighbour or family member. Don't have someone to join you? No worries! Newport Live is full of friendly faces. Try one of our classes, and by coming every week, you'll soon build friendships and get to know the regular members. The social aspect of group fitness can be a huge motivator. 

Membership Perks

Make the most our of your membership. At Newport Live, membership comes with a range of perks designed to help you reach your goals. Including a health fitness check to assess your fitness levels, a personalised workout program tailored to your needs and 1-2-1 sessions with our experienced trainers. This will give you the support and guidance you need to make steady progress on your path to success!

ready to Get Back To Fitness?

Getting back into a fitness routine after a break is all about taking it one step at a time. By setting small achievable goals and being patient with yourself you'll gradually rebuild your fitness and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. Remember, every step counts and the journey is just as important as the destination.