CULTIVATE is The Riverfront's scratch performance night & sits within the venues ‘Reflekt’ programme of events! It allows audiences to meet artists as they share short work in progress performances of brand-new work allowing valuable feedback and vital conversations to take place. 

These events are an exciting, fun, experimental and low-key way for performance makers to share new ideas with a live audience. Audiences are invited to feedback on all they see, helping the artist with their development. 

The work is always varied and could be something musical, something scripted, something physical, something digital or anything in-between.  

We are incredibly open and that's what's exciting. CULTIVATE offers an open platform for new ideas, whatever they may be.  

We want to welcome performance-makers, whatever your vision or approach, so that we can work together to ‘CULTIVATE’ new ways to share ideas with our audiences and communities. 

Many CULTIVATE performances have gone on to be supported through The Riverfront & Arts Council Wales for further development. 

Cultivate artist

CULTIVATE performers

Take a look at our 2024 Summer CULTIVATE performers.

Cultivate logo

Be Part of The Audience

Our CULTIVATE performance will be taking place on Thursday 6 June at 7pm. We're hoping for a year of creativity, experimentation and performance. Come along, be part of the audience and engage!

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